Apply for Daily

PokéCommunity Daily is hiring! We’re looking for dedicated individuals to join the Daily writing teams. Note that you do not have to join the Daily team to write articles for Daily — but you do get a whole bunch of perks! See the frequently asked questions for more.

How the Daily team works

PokéCommunity Daily is managed by bobandbill. He oversees the quality, writing teams, and processes for Daily.

Writers will write articles for Daily at least once every two months. They submit article ideas the same as any non-Daily staff or through the Daily staff forum. They can also directly submit articles into the editor workshop for editing and scrutiny. Once approved, they may directly publish their articles to Daily.

PokéCommunity Daily staff are responsible for writing and editing articles. All writers and editors may suggest edits to be made to articles submitted through the Daily writing process.

Application process

We’re frequently searching for new applicants! We select applicants for positions based on a variety of metrics, including:

  • Contributions to Daily
  • Professional qualifications
  • Article-writing experience on other websites

bobandbill and higher staff on PokéCommunity will assess each application.

To apply for a position, check out the positions below and apply using this form.


The Daily team are looking for, in no particular order of importance:

  • News writers. Writers will keep track of Pokémon news and post these articles directly to Daily. These posts are exempted from the Writer’s Workshop process. News posts must be overseen by an Editor or the relevant sectional editor.
  • Pokémon Gaming writers. Your focus is to write content surrounding the games — be it new games or old. You may speculate on things like new features, talk about old features, write comparisons for the games, gather opinions, etc.
  • Pokémon Animé writers. You can’t stop talking about the anime, can you? Write about the Pokémon anime. Writers in this team talk about the anime in general, character development, give your own opinions or gather those of others, make predictions, speculate, etc.
  • General Pokémon writers. You focus on the more general Pokémon content – not just focused on one aspect such as the games or the anime. Little-known facts, delving into Pokémon designs, coming up with (or rating) nicknames for specific Pokémon are examples.
  • Competitive Battling writers. You work with others to talk about strategies. Talk about the big changes to the metagame. Talk about other, more interesting metagames. Prove Garchomp is an overpowered battler.
  • Creative writer. Come up with your own silly articles, ranked lists, April Fools jokes, or short stories!
  • Fanbase Feature writers. Behind the fanbase column, you’ll check the web, find cool Pokémon stuff, and negotiate with fanwork authors/artists to put their stuff on the greater web (and Daily, of course). You can interview well-known Pokémon fans or content creators.
  • Editor. This role involves editing existing articles, uploading approved articles to WordPress, and responding to ideas pitched by PokéCommunity members.
  • Artist. Every so often we’ll like a new article cover image to be put together, or even fancy CSS assembled for articles!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a position to write for Daily?
. Anyone is able to contribute articles for Daily on a casual basis. The positions for Daily provide you with a staff rank and access to our discussion section. It allows you to work with the Daily team at an official capacity, working and collaborating directly with other editors to create articles. Bear in mind working for the team directly will mean there are expectations when it comes to your workload.

What do I get with a position?
By joining the Daily team, you will be given a staff rank and access to our Daily staff forums, complete with username colour and rank image, as well as other PokéCommunity staff perks, including access to a staff-exclusive chat forum.

Do I need a PokéCommunity account to be on Daily Staff?
Registration at PokéCommunity is required for all Daily staff. If you don’t have a PokéCommunity account right now, you’ll be required to create one if you get a position. You will also need a Discord account, as working with the rest of the Daily team also happens on that platform (text chat only).

Will I be compensated for writing articles?
All contributors to PokéCommunity Daily do so on a voluntary basis. Daily Staff are not compensated for their positions.

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