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Pokémon North, South, East, and West – A Fakemon Sprite Project!

Check out this large project by one person: a slew of sprites of Fakemon, complete with Dex entries and new types!

In 2023, a sprite project began and ended(ish)…

With 1248 sprites in total, this is… 

Pokémon North, South, East, and West

1248 new Pokémon to see….with NO old Pokémon or branching evolutions! In this sprite project, over the next few months, they will be slowly revealed in dazzling waves!

[] Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever!

Welcome to the Oriva Region!

Based off China and Japan, this region is a beautiful paradise of tranquility and peace… and of course, Pokémon battles! This region runs a Pokémon League of 10 Gyms scattered across 15 unique settlements. But word has spread of a clan called the Wushido Clan trying to awaken the ultimate doom of the region across ten bases… and their efforts have drawn 10 Pokémon berserk into unstoppable Titan Pokémon!

[] Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever!

Introducing twelve new Pokémon types!

This region contains 12 new Pokémon types in addition to the 18 existing ones: Now there are 30 types in total! These types are, from left to right:

    • Light: Pokémon with this type beckon towards the light itself, using luminous attacks to brighten up the opposition!
    • Magic: These Pokémon use their magic tricks to bring forth a grand show of arcane mystery!
    • Mythical: These Pokémon are based off myths and legends across history, fighting back with ancient moves lost to time!
    • Sound: Pokémon with this type can stand the music and use it to their advantage! They specialize in playing with each other.
    • Time: These Pokémon have control over time, or are based off historical artifacts lost to the ages of history!
    • Shadow: It appears that the Shadow energy that Cipher once used is dominant in this region, having a specialty on Pokémon based off weaponry!
    • Weird: These Pokémon are just plain weird! They use crazy attacks and artistic styles to toy with their opponents.
    • Job: These Pokémon have adapted to the jobs that the people of this region take, fighting with pink slips and market crashes!
    • Beast: These Pokémon have fallen to their feral roots of a savage beast! They can be easily identified by their wavy coat.
    • Athlete: Sports is the game for these Pokémon! They have great speed to conquer the opposing team with style!
    • Hero: These Pokémon are the protectors of justice itself, using their superpowers to fight against crime!
    • Villain: More than just henchmen, these villainous Pokémon scheme up devastating plots against their rivals!

In addition, this region contains a Pokémon for every type combination possible! Which teams you make is up to your imagination!

You can join in too! These sprites are of free use (though I would recommend asking for permission first), and you may contribute your own improvements too! This includes:

  • Resized versions of the sprites: These ones don’t follow the traditional Pokémon sprite size
  • Artwork or fanart of the sprites
  • And backsprites: Only the front sprites will be shown here!

And now, it begins! Good luck!

Wave 1: For Starters!

At the start of your Pokémon journey, you will be offered a Starter Pokémon from Professor Blossom, who is investigating the mysterious phenomenon this region has known as the “Ancient Moves”. This time, you can choose from 12 different starters, divided into 4 sets, each one based off an animal from the Chinese Zodiac! All these Pokémon have their starter abilities: Grass gets Overgrow, Fire gets Blaze, and Water gets Torrent.

More Fun Features

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Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever!

View the database!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West Database – Google Sheets

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Further waves of sprites will be added to this article on a ~weekly basis, view the other pages to see them!
Edited by bobandbill and Siddhar.