[Updated 24th Oct] Analysis of the Galar Dex – generation, popularity, and more
An ongoing list of who has made it into Sword and Shield so far – and analysis of the distribution!
It was announced at E3 this year that not every Pokémon will make it into the Pokémon Sword and Shield games. So who makes the cut, and who misses out? And how does it compare when we consider, say, the region the Pokémon originally came from, or their typing?
We’ve compiled a list and done some analysis. Let’s break it down.
Total number and notes
We have 287 Pokémon sighted so far (as of the 24th of October), either from the official Pokémon Sword and Shield website, trailers, or game demos. This assumes that evolutions or pre-evolutions are also included of Pokémon seen – e.g. Leafeon or Riolu are presumed to be in Galar, as Eevee and Lucario were seen. This includes more unusual methods, such as a magnetic location for Magneton, or a trade evolution item to be held. Of the 287 we assume here, 263 are from previous generation titles. This list has been cross-checked with the one maintained at Serebii.net. We meanwhile are not assuming any evolutions, no matter how likely, of the generation eight Pokémon, such as evolutions for Grookey, Sobble and Scorbunny.
Galarian forms for the Zigzagoon and Weezing line are treated as Pokémon from the Hoenn and Kanto regions, respectively. Mew has been included due to confirmation it can be obtained through the Poké Ball Plus. We have not included the likes of Remoraid and its evolution yet, but it may find itself in the games as Mantyke in previous titles requires it to evolve. Similarly, Shelmet is not included as yet but may appear. Rapidash is not yet assumed to be in the game in some form.
All analysis has been made in this Google spreadsheet, and will be maintained and updated as more Pokémon are revealed. It is an altered version of this spreadsheet tool by ddrox13. For a separate analysis which includes a record of every Pokémon’s appearance in promotional material, check this excellent spreadsheet created by yonicstudios.
Distribution by Region Origin
The following graphs show the distribution by region origin for all Galar Pokémon. First we have the raw number, where we see that Unova currently has the most Pokémon, followed by Kanto. Alola has the least. However, one must take into account the number of Pokémon each generation introduced! As a percentage, we see Kalos, closely followed by Unova, has the largest representation of its Pokédex, with Kanto in the middle and Hoenn with the least. Reminder – this may change by the time we have the full list, and this includes Galarian Zigzagoon and Linoone, and Galarian Weezing and Ponyta, as Hoenn and Kanto Pokémon respectively. (We do not yet know if their original designs will be available as well.)
Distribution by Type
Next, we consider the typing. Once again we have two charts. The first gives the number of each. Water-types dominate – however, it is the most represented type of the National Dex! When you divide by the National Dex count for each type, Water-types are actually under par so far, when you look at the ratio (a value greater than 1 means you are seeing more Pokémon of that type making up the Galar Dex than you’d expect from the National Dex distribution). Galar so far has a large amount of Ghost, Fighting, Fairy, and Dark types in particular, but very little in the way of Rock, Bug, and especially Fire. This will change down the track, and especially when evolutions for e.g. Scorbunny are revealed.
Popularity Distribution
A large poll, featuring over 50,000 entries, conducted this year gave us a rough idea of what people using the Pokémon subreddit like the most. While this doesn’t give us a foolproof measure of how popular every Pokémon is, it’s a start. The following plot shows us how many Pokémon, every 100 ranks in popularity, has made it into Galar so far. While there is a steady spread, note pre-evolutions tend to fall down the popularity chart, and the 1-100 most popular Pokémon do have the highest representation in the Galar Dex, so far.

Stat Distribution
Lastly, it seems that, including base forms of Pokémon, Galar Dex Pokémon tend to have a slightly higher focus on Physical Attack followed by Special Defense and Defense.

The full list!
The list of all Pokémon is given below. We’ve also included notes, such as when the Pokémon was last in a region’s Pokédex (e.g. the Kalos Dex). For details on where these Pokémon (or their evolutions) have been spotted, check yonicstudios‘ spreadsheet.
Pokemon | National Dex Number | Notes |
Charmander | 4 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Island Scan, but not part of Alolan Dex. Was part of the Kalos Dex. |
Charmeleon | 5 | |
Charizard | 6 | Featured in Pokémon Sun and Moon as a Ride Pokémon. |
Caterpie | 10 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Metapod | 11 | |
Butterfree | 12 | |
Pichu | 172 | |
Pikachu | 25 | In every generation’s Pokédex, bar Unova. |
Raichu | 26 | |
Cleffa | 173 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Clefairy | 35 | |
Clefable | 36 | |
Vulpix | 37 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex with its Alolan Form. |
Ninetales | 38 | |
Oddish | 43 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Gloom | 44 | |
Vileplume | 45 | |
Bellossom | 182 | |
Diglett | 50 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex with its Alolan Form. |
Dugtrio | 51 | |
Meowth | 52 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Persian | 53 | |
Growlithe | 58 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Arcanine | 59 | |
Machop | 66 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Machoke | 67 | |
Machamp | 68 | |
Farfetch’d | 83 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Gastly | 92 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Haunter | 93 | |
Gengar | 94 | |
Onix | 95 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Steelix | 208 | |
Tyrogue | 236 | Last seen in the Johto Dex (Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver). |
Hitmonlee | 106 | |
Hitmonchan | 107 | |
Hitmontop | 237 | |
Koffing | 109 | Last seen in the Unova Dex (Pokémon Black 2 and White 2). |
Rhyhorn | 111 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Island Scan, but not part of the Alolan Dex. |
Rhydon | 112 | |
Rhyperior | 464 | |
Goldeen | 118 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Seaking | 119 | |
Magikarp | 129 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Gyarados | 130 | |
Lapras | 131 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Ditto | 132 | Seen in every Dex. |
Eevee | 133 | In every generation’s Pokédex, bar Hoenn. |
Vaporeon | 134 | |
Jolteon | 135 | |
Flareon | 136 | |
Espeon | 196 | |
Umbreon | 197 | |
Leafeon | 470 | |
Glaceon | 471 | |
Sylveon | 700 | |
Munchlax | 446 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Snorlax | 143 | |
Hoothoot | 163 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Noctowl | 164 | |
Chinchou | 170 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Lanturn | 171 | |
Togepi | 175 | Last seen in the Sinnoh Dex. |
Togetic | 176 | |
Togekiss | 468 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Island Scan, but not part of the Alolan Dex. |
Natu | 177 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Xatu | 178 | |
Bonsly | 438 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Sudowoodo | 185 | |
Wooper | 194 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Quagsire | 195 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Ultra Wormholes, but not part of the Alolan Dex. |
Wynaut | 360 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Wobbuffet | 202 | |
Qwilfish | 211 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Shuckle | 213 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Sneasel | 215 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Weavile | 461 | |
Swinub | 220 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Island Scan, but not part of the Alolan Dex. |
Piloswine | 221 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Mamoswine | 473 | |
Remoraid | 223 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Octillery | 224 | |
Mantyke | 458 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Mantine | 226 | |
Larvitar | 246 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Pupitar | 247 | |
Tyranitar | 248 | |
Lotad | 270 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Lombre | 271 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Ultra Wormholes, but not part of the Alolan Dex. |
Ludicolo | 272 | |
Seedot | 273 | Last seen in the Unova Dex. |
Nuzleaf | 274 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Ultra Wormholes, but not part of the Alolan Dex. |
Shiftry | 275 | |
Wingull | 278 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Pelipper | 279 | |
Ralts | 280 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Ultra Wormholes, but not part of Alolan Dex. Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Kirlia | 281 | |
Gardevoir | 282 | |
Gallade | 475 | |
Sableye | 302 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Mawile | 303 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Electrike | 309 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Manectric | 310 | |
Budew | 406 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Roselia | 315 | |
Roserade | 407 | |
Wailmer | 320 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Wailord | 321 | |
Torkoal | 324 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Trapinch | 328 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Vibrava | 329 | |
Flygon | 330 | |
Baltoy | 343 | |
Claydol | 344 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Feebas | 349 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Milotic | 350 | |
Duskull | 355 | Last seen in the Sinnoh Dex. |
Dusclops | 356 | |
Dusknoir | 477 | |
Snorunt | 361 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Glalie | 362 | |
Froslass | 478 | |
Feebas | 349 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Milotic | 350 | |
Cherubi | 420 | Last seen in the Sinnoh Dex. |
Cherrim | 421 | |
Shellos | 422 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Gastrodon | 423 | |
Drifloon | 425 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Drifblim | 426 | |
Bronzor | 436 | Last seen in the Unova Dex. |
Bronzong | 437 | |
Riolu | 447 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Lucario | 448 | |
Hippopotas | 449 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Hippowdon | 450 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Ultra Wormholes, but not part of the Alolan Dex. |
Skorupi | 451 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Drapion | 452 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Croagunk | 453 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Toxicroak | 454 | |
Snover | 459 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Abomasnow | 460 | |
Rotom | 479 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Island Scan, but not part of Alolan Dex (weirdly). Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Purrloin | 509 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Liepard | 510 | |
Munna | 517 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. Was in the Friend Safari in Kalos. |
Musharna | 518 | |
Pidove | 519 | Last seen in the Unova Dex. |
Tranquill | 520 | |
Unfezant | 521 | |
Roggenrola | 524 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Boldore | 525 | |
Gigalith | 526 | |
Woobat | 527 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Swoobat | 528 | |
Timburr | 532 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Gurdurr | 533 | |
Conkeldurr | 534 | |
Tympole | 535 | Last seen in the Unova Dex. |
Palpitoad | 536 | |
Seismitoad | 537 | |
Throh | 538 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Sawk | 539 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Cottonee | 546 | |
Whimsicott | 547 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Maractus | 556 | Last seen in the Unova Dex. |
Scraggy | 559 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Scrafty | 560 | |
Sigilyph | 561 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Trubbish | 568 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Garbodor | 569 | |
Minccino | 572 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Cinccino | 573 | |
Gothita | 574 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Island Scan, but not part of Alolan Dex. |
Gothorita | 575 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Gothitelle | 576 | |
Solosis | 577 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Duosion | 578 | |
Reuniclus | 579 | |
Vanillite | 582 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Vanillish | 583 | |
Vanilluxe | 584 | |
Karrablast | 588 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Escavalier | 589 | |
Frillish | 592 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Jellicent | 593 | |
Joltik | 595 | Last seen in the Unova Dex. |
Galvantula | 596 | |
Ferroseed | 597 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Ferrothorn | 598 | |
Litwick | 607 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Lampent | 608 | |
Chandelure | 609 | |
Axew | 610 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Island Scan, but not part of Alolan Dex. Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Fraxure | 611 | |
Haxorus | 612 | |
Golett | 622 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Golurk | 623 | |
Pawniard | 624 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Bisharp | 625 | |
Rufflet | 627 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Braviary | 628 | |
Vullaby | 629 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Mandibuzz | 630 | |
Deino | 633 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Zweilous | 634 | |
Hydreigon | 635 | |
Bunnelby | 659 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Diggersby | 660 | |
Pancham | 674 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Pangoro | 675 | |
Espurr | 677 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Meowstic | 678 | |
Honedge | 679 | Available in Pokémon Sun and Moon via Island Scan, but not part of Alolan Dex. Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Doublade | 680 | |
Aegislash | 681 | |
Swirlix | 684 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Slurpuff | 685 | |
Inkay | 686 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Malamar | 687 | |
Helioptile | 694 | |
Heliolisk | 695 | Available in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon via Ultra Wormholes, but not part of Alolan Dex. Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Hawlucha | 701 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Goomy | 704 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Sliggoo | 705 | |
Goodra | 706 | |
Phantump | 51 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Trevenant | 51 | |
Pumpkaboo | 710 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Gourgeist | 711 | |
Bergmite | 712 | Last seen in the Kalos Dex. |
Avalugg | 713 | |
Noibat | 714 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Noivern | 715 | |
Grubbin | 736 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Charjabug | 737 | |
Vikavolt | 738 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Cutiefly | 742 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Ribombee | 743 | |
Wishiwashi | 746 | |
Mareanie | 747 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Toxapex | 748 | |
Mudbray | 749 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Mudsdale | 750 | |
Morelull | 755 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Shiinotic | 756 | |
Stufful | 759 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Bewear | 760 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Bounsweet | 761 | |
Steenee | 762 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Tsareena | 763 | |
Wimpod | 767 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Golisopod | 768 | |
Pyukumuku | 771 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Turtonator | 776 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Togedemaru | 777 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Mimikyu | 778 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Drampa | 780 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Dhelmise | 781 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Jangmo-o | 782 | Last seen in the Alolan Dex. |
Hakamo-o | 783 | |
Kommo-o | 784 | |
Mew | 151 | Event-only. |
Grookey | – | |
Scorbunny | – | |
Sobble | – | |
Corviknight | – | |
Gossifleur | – | |
Eldegoss | – | |
Wooloo | – | |
Drednaw | – | |
Yamper | – | |
Impidimp | – | |
Rolycoly | – | |
Alcremie | – | |
Duraludon | – | |
Morpeko | – | |
Zigzagoon-G | – | |
Linoone-G | – | |
Obstagoon | – | |
Weezing-G | – | |
Polteageist | – | |
Sirfetch’d | – | |
Ponyta-G | – | |
Zacian | – | |
Zamazenta | – |
That’s the list for now. What Pokémon do you hope will make it into Pokémon Sword and Shield?
Edited by Rivvon and Sheep.