
Pokémon Switch game timeframe changed, Pokémon 3DS games crawl in sales

A new financial year means Nintendo publishes the earnings for the previous quarter, with some sales and release information revealed.

The latest Nintendo earnings release has happened for the last financial year, which means that Nintendo has given specific information for their game sales and upcoming releases!

Despite Pokémon Sun and Moon’s extraordinary shot up in the charts, exceeding sales records at the time, it still remains the third-selling Pokémon game at 16.12 million units, beaten by Pokémon X and Y at 16.31 million units. Both titles, compared to the previous quarter, have sold approximately 20,000 additional copies. And while Sun and Moon’s lukewarm sales may be due to Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon stealing its momentum, the latest games have only sold approximately 210,000 copies since the last quarter, totalling 7.72 million units. With new Pokémon games on the horizon, namely Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee, and the upcoming Switch game, it’s probably no surprise that the 3DS Pokémon games have seen little recent sales growth.

Speaking of which, Nintendo’s release schedule, included in the earnings release, has also given a more specific timeline for the Pokémon Switch RPG’s release. The game is slated to release in “late 2019” as opposed to simply the “second half of 2019”. What do you think this means? It is probably not unexpected when you look at the release dates of main series Pokémon titles over the last few years.

Thanks to bobandbill for the tip!
Edited by bobandbill.