Raikou confirmed next month’s Research Breakthrough reward
The Johto Legendary trio make their return in the form of Field Research tasks. Tying in with this, Field Research will involve Electric-types.
It appears that Raikou has been confirmed as the next Research Breakthrough reward for the month of August in Pokémon GO. When seven stamps are obtained and the reward is claimed on August 1, it is possible to catch the Electric-type Legendary Pokémon Raikou. However, it is not known at which time the reward will become live.
Trainers, we have an electrifying announcement for you! August Field Research tasks will focus on Electric-type Pokémon. ⚡ Also, if you collect enough stamps to earn a Research Breakthrough, you’ll have an opportunity to catch the Legendary Pokémon Raikou! pic.twitter.com/bDQbrNlqOD
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) July 26, 2018
Tying in with this, Field Research tasks will involve Electric-type Pokémon, and will feature as rewards.
Did you expect Raikou to show up at this point? Who do you think will be next in line?